Content is anything and everything we use to tell stories.

We read content. Watch content. Play content.

We create it and consume it. We marvel at, learn from and share it. 

At, we create content that makes your message unmissable.  



“I searched for form and land, for years and years I roamed,” David Bowie sings in The Man Who Sold The World. “I gazed a gazely stare at all the millions here.” We've made that our mission statement here at to deliver your message with all the simplicity, complexity, guilessness and cunning of the man who sold the world. 

Homme libre, toujours tu chériras la mer!” Charles Baudelaire decalres in L'Homme et la mer. “Tu l'embrasses des yeux et des bras, et ton coeur / Se distrait quelquefois de sa propre rumeur /Au bruit de cette plainte indomptable et sauvage.” The digital world is every bit as indomptable and sauvage as Baudelaire’s ocean. An infinity of posts, profiles, updates and downloads compete constantly for the attention of viewers with attention spans increasingly constrained – oh, rich irony! – by the very multitude of options they face. When creating content, a fleck of foam won’t do. It’s tempest time. 

Li Po, the constantly touring rock star of eighth-century China (described by the Penguin Book of Chinese Verse as ‘the supreme example of irresponsibility in Chinese poetry’) penned the following after hearing Jun the Buddhist monk from Shu play his lute:

The monk from Shu with his green silk lute-case, 
Walking west down Omei Mountain, 
Has brought me by one touch of the strings
The breath of pines in a thousand valleys. 
I hear him in the cleansing brook, 
I hear him in the icy bells; 
And I feel no change though the mountain darken
And cloudy autumn heaps the sky. 


That instant and immediate sense of connection – one touch of the strings – is exactly what we strive to create at all these centuries later.